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November 10, 2006


Elio Lover

"Providing I can tear myself away from wild sex and, at the same time, can keep from wetting my pants long enough to hobble to the polls..."

I think I just puked.

Armando Arriverderci

...Funny thing about ex-Ward 5 Councillor Elio. At the all-candidates meeting you referenced, I heard he DROVE to and from the meeting in a car, even though his residence is very close by. Whatever happened to taking public transit, Mr. Environment? Talk the talk, don't walk the walk, hey?
I'm with you in wishing him a fonde farewell.

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Joan Ransberry


Veteran reporter Joan Ransberry has seen and heard it all in the many years of covering municipal, regional, provincial and federal politics. Not afraid to blow the whistle, poke fun or venture where others won't go, her blog takes a peek at the human, the stupid and goofy side of government.


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