Hard on the heels of a gay wizard, Aurora's out of the closet.
As Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling continues to answer questions about the revelation one of her characters, wizard Albus Dumbledore, was a homosexual, gays and lesbians are being invited to the proposed 2008 Canada Day parade in Aurora.
Sher St. Kitts is the driving force behind bringing the Canada Day parade back to town. The parade was cancelled last year, disappointing many people, including Mrs. St. Kitts and her four children.
Snowball residents, the St. Kitts family like Aurora and looked forward to visiting the neighbouring town to salute Canada on her birthday. Mrs. St. Kitts is a flag-waving patriotic Canadian.
Instead of sitting back and playing "ain't it awful" when the parade was dropped for 2007, Mrs. St. Kitts put a plan in place and she's now reaching out to everyone to make sure Aurora, once again, celebrates Canada Day in grand style.
It's both an impressive and progressive plan.
When issuing her town-wide invitation to get involved in the parade, Mrs. St. Kitts included lesbians and gays along with service clubs, local choirs, churches, schools, businesses, people with pets, artists and bands.
Knowing there is a gay community within all York Region municipalities, Mrs. St. Kitts recognizes homosexuals, too, are proud Canadians.
Homosexuals have equal status in Canada because they are equal to all others. They live in peace and harmony and are welcomed in Aurora.
As an individual with gay and lesbian friends and family members, I recognize Sher St. Kitts and others like her, displaying why Canada is, indeed, the finest country in the world.
If it's good enough for Hogwarts, it's good enough for Aurora.
Let's hope we see Dumbledore in the local parade.
Hello Joan - I just found this article now - and thank you so much for the coverage! I am proud to accept all Canadians - you are right! It is the greatest country in the world and I too enjoy family members who are lesbian and gay! It is as natural as the sun and the moon!
For your information the Parade Train is steaming along - our April 4th Kick Off Party was a Hugely Successful BLAST! We raised the bar! We invite all Canadian Towns to get the fever...
Sent with Much Love
Sher St. Kitts
A Red Hot Canadian!
Posted by: Sher St. Kitts | April 09, 2008 at 04:52 PM