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November 28, 2007


Gus Khouri

My heart skipped a beat when I read the title of this blog in my RSS feeder Joan!


R. Johnson

I too thought for a split second that the local media was actually covering another issue of political intrigue related to another "Mr. Jones" given that the Town Clerk of Aurora recently confirmed that an internal investigation is currently underway at the Town as a result of the past Mayor Tim Jones allegedly asking a senior interim staff member in writing, in September of 2004, for the phone log records of his fellow Councillors to be provided to him on a monthly basis, which was allegedly subsequently done for a two year period leading up to the last municipal election (presumably including the records of his two Mayoral opponents), without council's knowledge and against the town's own policies. I have to think it is fair to ask why anyone would make such a request and why anyone knowing the town's policies would provide this information, don't you think ? Am I missing something here ? A lot of people have been talking about this issue for a long time now and yet most people have no idea what has transpired in this case.

Does anyone remember the closing statements of the last municipal all-candidates meeting when Mr. Jones pointed the finger at his opponents for their actions in creating a dysfunctional council during the previous term and then stated... "lets clean up this town's government together" (or words to that effect) ? Given Mr. Kean's response at the time, Ms. MacEachern's recollection of the "the contract issue" during the same all-candidates meeting and combined with the most recent allegations now coming to light, one has to wonder what was really going on behind the scenes.

Of course it would also be great to know if anyone has actually spoken to Aurora's Mr. Jones to hear his side of the story and see if he may regret any possible past errors in judgement given that he is now running for the federal Liberal nomination in order that voters can better understand who they are potentially voting for.

Good people that have a distinguished history of serving communities make mistakes and should be forgiven from time to time but when we see a pattern of behaviour or excessively bad judgement I think we should ask ourselves if we can or should expect more of the same in the future. We should also ask ourselves if this is a "one off" bad judgement call made quite possibly in some cases under the influence (which I appreciate is not a great or even justifiable excuse), or is it a longer standing and more calculated error in judgement ? Either way, politicians need to be held to higher standards then us common folk and I think the public at the very least has a right to know the facts when confirmed, so that we can act accordingly, including of course the possibility of forgiveness as some may see fit to bestow.

Isn't democracy great !!! We get what we deserve.

supra shoes

Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.so come on everyone.

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Joan Ransberry


Veteran reporter Joan Ransberry has seen and heard it all in the many years of covering municipal, regional, provincial and federal politics. Not afraid to blow the whistle, poke fun or venture where others won't go, her blog takes a peek at the human, the stupid and goofy side of government.


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