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December 12, 2007



Re:Results of Public Inquiry Being Kept Secret

It's very transparent that there is no transparency in the way the three E.G. Councillors are handling the inquiry into the "Tree Massacre"incident.It kinda makes you wonder what they are hiding .
Now let's see if I've got this right.Mayor Young and Councillor Johnston,who have collectively served E.G. for 32 + years and probably know what the future plans for the Sharon Temple are about,took it upon themselves to kick start the project. Obviously Mr Mc Intyre from the Sharon Temple thought it to be reasonable to do so because he marked 6 trees to bo removed.
The Mayor and Councillor were on site for part of the first morning and then left it up to staff to complete the job as instructed.Staff remained on site for another 2 1/2 days and did the dirty deed by removing more trees than they were supposed to.
The Sharon Temple People were most upset because the Temple was left exposed and requested a fence be put up.This was on day 3 .The request for the fence was sent to staff and it seems they chose to ignore it.Only after the proverbial you know what hit the fan did the fence get put up.This was day 11.
Then the inquiry was started.The three councillors in their wisdom chose the C.A.O.,who is ultimately responsible for staff, to head up this inquiry. Hmmmmmmm????
Now we have a lengthy delay in receiving the results of this inquiry.It makes you wonder what the independant studies by outsiders reported back.Curious ,isn't it ????

Anxiously awaiting for the transparent part to kick in.

Judy Laakso E.G.

John Hayes

You may remember me as the person who ran unsuccessfully against Jamie Young in the last municipal election. I have been following this saga very carefully and have ended up with more questions than answers. This despite the so-called open book transparancy promised by our municipality.

Question One - Were there any trees cut down on the East Gwillimbury Town side of the joint property line - and was that the reason why the work crew was diverted by our Mayor.

Question Two - Who was really in charge of this work crew and who gave the instruction to happily buzz saw for two and a half days without anyone asking any questions? Is there no senior member of staff watching over the work crew carrying out such carnage right next door to their offices? Why would our Mayor be out managing a work crew? I don't believe that is what he was elected to do......

Question Three - As this is a federally protected zone and according to John McIntyre - needs special permission to even prune a tree - How is it possible that he flagged six trees to be removed?

Question Four - The report specifies that the trees in question were of high quality and valuable with historic significance - Mr Young's statement infers brush, debris, Manitoba Maples and other garbage trees - which is true?

Question Five - what constitutes a "fair share" and who pays the rest of the tab....... Who pays for the costs of three days of in camera meetings which we presume included the cost of an town lawyer (or does he work for free)...

Question Six - How can this be classified as a Public enquiry when everything is done in camera, without giving the taxpayer the opportunity to ask questions or to see the preliminary reports and the full final report. How can the taxpayer get a realistic idea of what really happened when we are denied access to the process.....

I notice that the Town's new slogan is "Thinking Green" - I don't think so.....

George Malcolm

All the best in your retirement Joan !

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Joan Ransberry


Veteran reporter Joan Ransberry has seen and heard it all in the many years of covering municipal, regional, provincial and federal politics. Not afraid to blow the whistle, poke fun or venture where others won't go, her blog takes a peek at the human, the stupid and goofy side of government.


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