They were out in full force at the recent Toronto AIDS conference, rude and obnoxious as ever, demanding this and demanding that, booing federal health minister Tony Clement representing Prime Minister Harper, who wisely decided to steer well clear of the circus.
The tatooed and multi-pierced hetero-hating gays, lesbians, transsexuals, left wing lunatics with the usual airhead actors in tow as well as the unctuous Stephen Lewis and pop-celeb Bill Clinton conveniently overlooked the fact we spend billions of dollars on a disease, which in our country and most of the west, is completely preventable.
Statistics show that gay men are increasingly engaging in unprotected sex, perhaps more confident in the developments in successful treatment that are keeping them alive longer. Wear a condom you idiots! Don’t inject drugs with dirty needles! Don’t expect me to pay when you can’t keep your libido in check.
I have a lot of problem with seeing my tax dollars going to support this rabble when it should be spent on more urgent diseases like heart disease and cancer. The only exception is the Third World where the problem is one of primitive ideologies that suppress women who are forced to submit to men who won’t wear a condom. Here you have my full sympathy and support.
We should be diverting the money we spend here on AIDS to treat people in Africa where they deserve to be helped. It also makes sense from a financial standpoint. Healthy Third World countries have growing economies with which we do business. The healthier the population, the better the economic climate for us to export our goods and import theirs. Make the AIDS focus there, not here where they don’t deserve our financial support. In Canada, AIDS is generally a lifestyle disease.
Another very unwelcome result of the conference was the dozens of delegates who have HIV or AIDS asking for political asylum so they can get free health care here, joining the thousands of other illegals who are also here at our expense. Throw them out now. There is not a single logical reason to allow them to stay at our expense ($1 million plus per patient for treatment).
We’re giving our country away, folks. Doesn’t anybody care?
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