Normally you can't use the words "Astronomy" and "Banana" in the same sentence. This week is different. We are entering the season of "Star Parties" and this weekend I'm off to North Bay for the "Frozen Banana Star Party".
In reality, a star party is a camping trip for astronomers. Usually, these events are held at relatively remote campsites with little to no light pollution. The Frozen Banana offers decent skies if the weather is good. Of course if the skies are clear it's likely to be colder --hence the name Frozen Banana.
There are a number of Star Parties held in the Ontario region each year but the biggest is "Starfest" which is held each summer near Mt. Forest, Ontario. Close to 900 astronomers from all over North America attend Starfest. In addition to the usual exploration of the night skies, it's a chance to check out other astronomers' equipment and there are presentations by professionals within the astronomical community.
My wife refers to it as "Woodstock for Nerds".
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