ISS footage courtesty of John Locker (click on picture to animate)
John Locker of the United Kingdom took this fantastic image of the ISS traveling overhead. Doing this required a great degree of timing and precision. You can see individual ISS components! I hope that he can get a picture of the ISS and Space Shuttle when they dock on the morning of July 3rd. For more great pictures of the ISS by John Locker please visit his wonderful website!
The International Space Station or ISS is visible again this weekend. We have the added treat of the Space Shuttle approaching and docking with the ISS -that is, if everything goes according to schedule with the Shuttle's launch, currently scheduled for July 1st.
Take the time to see if you can spot the space station along with the shuttle. This is a rare treat. An excellent opportunity to see them happens on Sunday evening. The ISS will be visible starting at about 10:25 PM rising above the horizon in the west-northwest. By 10:28 PM it should be high in the southwest. By 10:30 PM the ISS has made its way to the southeast and will fade from view.
Keep an eye out for two objects traveling one after each other. One will be the ISS and the other will be the Space Shuttle!
Have a great Canada Day weekend and keep looking up!